
Friday, July 06, 2012

4th July Nails.

I'm not sure why, but when I was doing my nails earlier this week I felt inspired to do a nail art for the 4th July. No, I'm not American, but some of my readers are, and I have some friends who are too - and I just thought it would be fun!

It started out as me experimenting to start with, but this happened, and so I went with it. I really like how they came out and got lots of comments about how impressed people were that I did it free hand. (Trust me, my left hand was not so neat!)

I used Barry M white, Mememe Confident (red), Barry M Red Glitter, Illamasqua Force (Blue), and a red, white and blue Rio nail art pen.

I know it's late, but I hope you had a lovely 4th July if you celebrated it! :)


liloo said...

it's just so cute :) i love the lighting on your photos as well, that little warming red light on it coming somewhere around it makes it glow a little bit: liloo/@tsunimee xx

Miss Lego said...

Awesome!!! that is the spirit, being creative and fierce to carry nails like that!