
Monday, May 20, 2013

Fancy Nails - With Elegant Touch!

Hey guys!

I was recently given the chance to try out some pretty nails wraps from Elegant Touch*. I've only slightly dipped my toe in to the 'nail wrap' water before, and I managed to get myself in a terrible mess, creasing the wraps up and ending up with terrible looking nails.

This time I was determined to do well. I figured I would start with the 'accent nail' before moving on and trying a full manicure, it is actually pretty easy and I don't know why I struggled so much in the first place. Elegant Touch have some really cool designs for their wraps and they have really nice false nails too. I also have a funky set of those to try, but with my natural nails being okay at the moment, I am yet to try them out.

So, to use the wraps you just make sure your hands and nails are clean (and the shape you prefer) and then apply a base coat to your nails.. Let that dry and peel off the nail wrap from the sheet and place the curved end at your cuticle and press along towards the tip until it is flat against your nail. If you do get any creases, I found it pretty easy to straighten it quickly - then you just press on the wrap firmly for a few moments and file of the excess nail wrap.

They're said to last around five days, but I didn't keep my manicure for that long, but mine was perfect on day four before removal. I was certain the wrap would peel off or something, but it stayed put! Even through washing dishes, house work and showering. I'm very impressed and I'm excited to try others!

You can check these out here, and purchase them from Boots and Superdrug, or see here for stockists.

Let me know if you've tried these! I really like the look of the Little Mix ones.

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Libby said...

They look great! I adore nail wraps... Just a little tip.. You can find great higher end nail wraps for cheaper in tk maxx! They have a lot if Sally Hansen designs for sometimes only about £2 as well as more higher end brands! :)

Unknown said...

Fab post, I've been debating whether or not to try these wraps, the striped wraps are lovely!