
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barry M Goodies!

So many people have been asking me on YT and twitter what I got with my £100 prize money, So I promised a video haul of it all when I got it..

I have now done it, and it can be seen below!


A larger image of everything can be seen here.

In and Out #3


1. Colossal Lash (Loving this, but not liking the smell!)
2. Barry M Lip Paint in Palest Lavender = <3
3. Twittering and following celebs (Russel Brand, Jimmy Carr, Jonathon Woss, Etc.. (I mean Ross!)
4. Making Videos (I'm into in at the moment!)
5. Saving up for shopping in Sheffield on Monday with my YT friend, Becky.


1. Our Gas Fire (It is being replaced with a new posh electric one soon!)
2. Editing Videos! (I like making them, hate editing!)
3. My Bad Toe, Yeah thanks for that, stupid desk! (I whacked it badly, but it is getting better I think, I hope!)
4. My old hand bag, Time for a change!
5. Stupid call centres phoning out land line (Er, F&@K Off!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In & Out (#2)

Today for me..


1. Barry M Lip Paint in 101 = LOVE
2. Messy Hair
3. Tweeting lots on twitter!
4. Lily Allen Song, The Fear.
5. Christina Aguilera Perfume :)


1. The cold weather.
2. The gas man taking our fire away (But we are getting a nicer newer one :).)
3. Tidying up, Blugh!
4. Filled in brows. (Just shape them with brow gel and leave 'em natural!)
5. Hoop earrings (For now.)

... Random, but fun! :)

FOTD - Green and Black Smokey Eye

So, I have been playing with my new Barry M and here is todays result!.. I love all of my new things and will get through using them all eventually, but today I used the limited edition green dazzle dust (From Green Giftset) with black in my crease.. Oh and on my lips is 101/Marshmallow from barry m, which I think is my newest love!!

Hope you like it ! xx

Monday, January 26, 2009

In's and Out's

SO, I got the idea from Kelly (Pinksealight) for this, and I think it is such a fun thing to do, so I have jumped on the band wagon!


What's IN:

1. Barry M! (Clicky!)
2. LOST (I am so glad it is back, although as confusing as EVER!)
3. Urban Decay Primer Potion (I couldn't be without it!)
4. Nude Lips! (That is my fave lip at the moment)
5. Doing and what's In and Out blog post! :)


1. Lush 'Let them eat cake' Vegan Lip balm (Yaeuk!)
2. Eyeshadow staining my eyelid even when I am wearing UDPP (I currently have pink eye lids!)
3. NYC Lash Precise Mascara (The wand is so hard and if you catch yourself with it, Ouch!)
4. Baths (I prefer a shower!)
5. Waxing my brows (I find plucking more precise, but it hurts!)

.. Blimey, I struggled a little there! .. Hope you enjoyed! xx

I am a happy girl!

My Barry M order came this morning!

I have just opened it and I am majorly pleased with all of my new things!

Expect a rather large haul, pretty soon!



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh My God! I Love Barry M! I won!

So, I have a totally happy face! .. I have entered so many contests before on YT and never got anywhere, it kind of knocks you a bit, but you get over it.

So back in October Barry M were running a 'Be a Star' Contest where you did a look using their products (Which are fab) and submit it to their you tube account (Here) .. So I did that, and then forgot about it..

That was, until yesterday! I logged into my You Tube and had a message from one of the girls in their offices telling me I was the winner.. My first thought was 'This is a JOKE!' .. She sent me a link to their site, and there I am, the winner..

Click Here To Go Page!

I am totally in shock, but really made up!.. I never win anything, and now I have.. I am so pleased that they liked my look, and now I get to choose £100 of Barry M products from the site.. I am spoilt for choice, because I love it all!

Good times, eh? :)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

OMG! I am such a slacker!

So, I have not posted in almost a month so let me start with..

HAPPY NEW YEAR! .. I hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope this new year brings you all you wish for..

So, where have I been? At my mums over Christmas.. I left for her place just after my birthday and I didn't really bother with anything to do with this blog or youtube while I was there, apart from a short video I made with my little sister.

.. So, I had a great Christmas and my new year was cool too. I have a lot of new things while I will make a video on and I will no doubt show some selected stuff on here for y'all!

Oh and I finally for the No7 Shine Free Mattifying Base. Not really had a chance to try it properly yet, but will let you know who that goes!

So I will go again for now and get back into the swing o f posting from now on.. I HOPE!

Much Love xx