
Monday, September 15, 2014

It's only me. . .

Well hey, remember me?

Haha! :)

It's been a while, a lonnnng while. I know! I've been so busy with life in general that my blog got neglected. I think my mojo went missing for a bit there, but I feel like it may be coming back baby! yeah! (I cannot help the Austin Powers input, I loves him.)

Soooo, what's been going on? I've got a new job, that is my biggest news and what has been keeping me the most busy. I have been continuing to lose weight (6.5 stone so far!) and I have been addicted to binge watching TV Series', first Breaking Bad and now American Horror Story.. Cannot wait for Freak Show! How hot is Jessica Lange for a 60-something year old woman. I hope I look that fab at her age.

I have some reviews to come and then some makeup posts too.. ooh, and who knows - maybe some fashion posts. I feel a little more confident since losing weight, although I still have a long way to go yet. :)

Thank you for reading!
Love, Sophie xx
Where else to find me..

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