
Friday, March 06, 2009

Depotting My Urban Decay Primer Potion.

(Click Images For Larger Sizes)

So, The thing is, I have had my UDPP for just over a year now, and it has lasted me well. About 4 months ago it got to the stage where nothing else was coming out on the applicatior, so I pulled the top stopper out and was delighted when that gave me loads more usage, which has been great.

But recently it has gotten to the stage where nothing was coming out again, So I thought I would cut it open and see if there was maybe a little bit left..

Wrong, there was loads!

I am completely amazed at how much I got out..

Yay for depotting UDPP! (You'll need a sharp knife *be careful!* an empty jar, and a spatula.)

(There is a tutorial of how I did this on YouTube, along with many others from different people.)


1 comment:

K said...

After reading this, I cut open my tube of hand lotion and my tube of facial cleanser that I thought had run out.... and there were lots left!!!!

WOW! I guess the recession is helping us find ways to get more out of our beauty products!