
Friday, July 31, 2009

Barry M Nail Paint - Pink Flamingo!

Available From - Barry M Online and In store soon.
Price - £2.95
Shade - #305 - Pink Flamingo

I love all of the Barry M nail paints so when I was able to try this gorgeous new shade from them I couldn't refuse!

As soon as the postman arrived with this I snatched it from him and raced to paint my nails! :)

As with all Barry M Nail paints it glides on really nicely and has a lovely creamy matte look to it. It is a gorgeous bright coral/pink/flamingo colour, It looks so much nicer on the nails than it does in the bottle too, it is almost neon but not quite and to me it's the perfect shade for summer. It's quite difficult to describe just how gorgeous it is, but here are a couple of photographs so you can have a look.

(The first was taken inside and the second outside)

It dried really quickly and I applied two coats. I was quite surprised as one coat was fairly opaque, but the second one just made it perfect!

So, Bazza M have done it again, another amazing unique shade to add to their many others! - I absolutely love this nail polish!

.. What are your Barry M faves?

*Monday August 3rd Update*

I have been wearing this polish for the past 3/4 days, and I forgot to put a top coat on (Naughty me) But it has lasted, really well. I've only just started to notice chipping. I am so impressed! The colour is atill lovely and vibrant too.

*Big Thumbs Up!*


tackyblueeyeshadow said...

That looks gorgeous on you! I think I'll have to get it! I also love Barry M Mint green and Grey nail paints! x

Anonymous said...

I congratulate, you were visited with a remarkable idea