
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Quest For Healthy Teeth!

I occasionally suffer from sensitive teeth along the bottom teeth, which can be really annoying sometimes. I would say that my teeth are a little sensitive 'in general' but not overly so. I certainly can't bite into ice lollies and such, and I take about 40 minutes to eat an ice cream or something really cold!

So, when I heard about the new Repair and protect toothpaste from Sensodyne, I was intrigued. I have tried other toothpastes for sensitive teeth before, but never really felt any different. But this one sounded very interesting and as I am on a quest for a healthy feeling / looking mouth, I went for it.

This is what they say:
Delivers clinically proven relief from the pain of dentine hypersensitivity
Proven resistance of reparative layer to daily oral challenges
Contains NovaMin® which builds a protect layer over exposed dentine
Employs the same bioactive material used in advanced bone regeneration research
Sensitivity occurs when the dentine underneath tooth enamel becomes exposed. When exposed dentine comes into contact with hot or cold, sweet, sour or even your toothbrush it can trigger the nerve, causing a short sharp pain. Traditional desensitising toothpastes deal with sensitivity simply by treating the pain. Sensodyne Repair & Protect is different. Using advanced desensitising technology, it works to repair the teeth themselves from the first use, building a reparative layer over exposed dentine using the natural building blocks of teeth. As well as relieving pain, this helps repair, strengthen and provide protection against future damage... every day. 21st century dentistry looks to prevention.

Why use Sensodyne Repair & Protect?
Sensodyne Repair & Protect with NovaMin® is different from other toothpastes. NovaMin® formula releases the natural building blocks of teeth: calcium and phosphate. These ions form a protective mineral layer to repair the vulnerable areas of the tooth. With twice daily use, new Sensodyne Repair & Protect continuously repairs, strengthens and protects your teeth with its unique, clinically proven concentrated calcium formula. It also has a fresh minty taste to leave your mouth feeling clean and fresh.
What is NovaMin®?

NovaMin® is advanced calcium phosphate technology; it acts as a calcium phosphate ion reservoir to build a hyrdroxyapatite like layer over exposed dentine and within tubules. NovaMin® employs the same patented bioactive material used in advanced bone regeneration techniques.

How does NovaMin® work?
When NovaMin® comes into contact with saliva it releases calcium and phosphate ions. This release promotes the dynamic mineralisation of dentine to build a substantive reparative layer.

So, I have been using this for about a three to four weeks now, and I feel results! The little sensitivity that I did feel on occasion hasn't been felt at all, and I have had a few ice creams, what with all the lovely warm weather!.. I didn't really think I would feel a difference, because I never have before, but I certainly haven't had any sensitivity since using this. I think if you suffer from sensitivity you should definitely give this a try, you have nothing to lose!

It is a lovely toothpaste in general, a nice lasting minty fresh scent which leaves my teeth feeling dazzling and clean. I recommend it!

f you fancy trying this out, it is currently on offer at Tesco, in store and online here!

... Now, my next mission is to whiten my teeth. Any tips for that?!

PR Sample.


Sarah said...

I use this, I love it!

Sarah xx

Unknown said...

I'm a dental assistant so I'm your girl! There a few options as far as whitening go, some office do Zoom whitening where they whiten your teeth in office and you leave with whitened teeth (not good very sensitive teeth like yours). There is professional take home bleach, where you get personal trays and stronger bleach to use at home can take 1-2 weeks. If we have a patient who doesn't want to go the expensive (although more quicker) route, the best over the counter bleaching is Crest Whitening strips.

Joel Jackson said...

Before having your teeth whitened, try to do a background check on your prospect clinic or dentist to ensure your safety. Our teeth are one of the most important parts of our body. That is why we need to take extra care with them. Teeth whitening can cause teeth sensitivity, so you better choose a dentist of high reputation. But if you want to go the natural way, strawberries and the back peel of oranges are good whiteners.