
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Holiday dreaming!

So, I've just returned from a lovely two week break in Plymouth with my family.. I was also house and dog-sitting for them while they went away for a week.

The other night we were all talking about holidays abroad and my BF and I were talking about how we've never been abroad together (I've actually never ever been abroad!). I was explaining reasons why I'd be scared to go on a plane... They scare me, I don't like heights, I'm a wimp.. When I was a kid I always said I never ever would fly, but as I've got older I know that I would if it meant I could go somewhere exciting.

My Mum said how she had always wanted to go on a cruise and still hopes to someday. I agreed with that, I think a cruise would be amazing, just imagining sailing across the ocean on a beautiful boat that has everything you could need on it sounds like bliss. I was browsing Cruises 2014* earlier and dreaming of someday going on one with those that I love. I think I'd love to go on a Caribbean one, or the ones for seeing the Northern Lights! I've always wanted to see those, and I know my BF would too. I think a Christmas Cruise would be lovely too. *Dream!*

So, tell me about your favourite holidays, where have you been? Have you been on a cruise? I'd love to hear your stories!

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