
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Remington Smooth and Silky Epilator.

Hello everyone!

Today I wanna talk about hair removal.. Epilating to be exact (if you hadn't already guessed!).

So, I'm new to epilating. My first time was about 5 or so weeks ago when I was asked if I would like to try out the new Remngton 4 in 1 epilator. I'm not gonna lie, I did a little 'eeek' before hand, I had heard tons of things about these devices of 'tortuousness' and how painful they were.. But I was also very intrigued, so I accepted!

The Remington 4 in 1 epilator has lots of cool features, including that it removes the shortest of hair (0.5mm), can give you up to four weeks hair free, it's washable, it has a little light so that you can see what you're doing, it's corded so that you don't have to keep recharging batteries (this could be seen as a good or bad point, but I like it), it has two speeds and it and 40 non slip tweezers included (ouch!).

So, I'll just straight in and tell you my thoughts.  First off, this came packaged beautifully and included a lovely little care package full of treats to make your epilating experience all the more comfortable. I did photograph it, but I can't seem to find the image, but it had some lovely soap and glory, neom and Nivea goodies inside.

So I followed the instructions, which are to take a shower and really exfoliate your legs (or wherever you plan to epilate), the warm water will soften the hair follicle making it less painful. So I did all that, hopped out of the shower, lit a candle, dried off my legs properly (important) and got to work. The epilator comes with different heads for different uses, including a handy shaver - but I just stuck to the regular head.

So I turned it on and just looked at it in horror for a moment or two, trying to gather the courage to put the thing against my leg. I'm not gonna lie, this thing is noisy and might be a little intimidating at first, but it's not that bad... honestly!

Finally I braved it and put it to my leg.. Okay, so it hurts, I knew it was going to, but it's not THAT bad and it is bearable - and to be really honest, the pain dies down after a couple of minutes because you get used to it, then you can get cocky and go up to high speed like I did. I was done on both legs in about 15 mins (not bad for a beginner!) then I slapped on loads of moisturiser to finish. I have kept my legs exfoliated each time I have showered since and they have stayed lovely and smooth.

This thing works fast and really well, my legs have never felt so smooth as after using this and I am most definitely converted to epilating.. the little pain you get is worth the results, my hair is only just coming back after almost four weeks. One tip I do have is to keep the epilator against your skin when you're using it. I found if you take it away and put it back, it's like breaking the pain barrier over and over.

So, would I recommend this? Yes I would! I am trying to convince every woman I know to try this, it is so worth it. I mean, no more forking out cash on razors and razor blades is a good thing, right?

You can purchase the Remington 4 in 1 Epilator here.
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Jackie said...

I am so scared to get one and was so close to buying one but my fear got the best of me. I might just get some courage and try again, I hope!

Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin'

Guppy said...

This was my second brand of epilator to try - had been using an old-style Epi-Lady for years. I really didn't like the Remington. I found it didn't get my small hairs and I got the worst ingrowns! Tried a Braun appliance and doing much better now. Don't worry about the pain, fight through it, because it really does get better with use. Like you get desensitized the more you use it.

Anonymous said...

great post i am using this Epilator from last few months i never face any kind of problem from the date of the purchase it

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this post..i am using this epilator ,it consume less power and save your money.. :)

Bella said...

It's true, it can be intimidating, but don't let that put you off epilating!

Unknown said...

I came to know a lot about this from various epilator reviews. Please let me know more info about this also.

Erin said...

Sophie, I remember when I first turned on my first epilator, I was freaked out by the sound it made. You are right it is loud and so intimidating. I can't believe you finished in 15 minutes. It took me ages to remove the hair the first time. I think after the first couple of minutes the endorphins kick in and you don't feel it as much.

Amy said...

I agree with Erin. The sound of epilator is really scary when you first time use it.