
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eye Secrets - Lift Your Eyelids Without Surgery!

 Eye Secrets is an invisible adhesive strip which claims to give an 'instant eyelift' and make you look years younger. It is designed to combat the common signs of ageing for millions of men and women by neutralising the excess skin over the eyelids and restoring the eye to its natural youthful shape.

Launched in Nov 2010, the unique application allows for an instant eye lift whilst the invisible strip provides ease of application and a perfect platform for make-up application on top. Apparently celebrities such as Christine Bleakley, Anstasia and Amanda Holden are all fans of this new beauty essential and make-up artrists have named it their new beauty hero.

I was sent a box to test out a while ago and they are really interesting. The stickers are invisible and when you stick them onto your eye lid, and it stays in place and cannot be seen, and you can apply make up over the top of them.

I had a little difficulty placing it in the correct place at first, but it can be removed an re-stuck several times, so that allows for you to position it correctly. Once you know where to stick it though, it's simple. You literally just place it onto your crease and when you open your eye it lifts your lid and raises your crease.

See how invisible it is?
The Eye Secrets strips will give your face an invigorating uplift by simply positioning your eyelids in their natural position. 
  • Completely transparent
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Can be used with your favourite cosmetic
  • Fast and Easy to Apply
  • A single application lasts all day
I have to say that I was impressed, I applied make up over this and it looked good and applied well on top. The texture of the eye secrets sticker is slightly different to your skin though, but unless someone was looking extremely closely they wouldn't know.

These are perfect if your eyelids are heavy, or the skin is sagging due to your skin maturing. I will be taking them to my mum's over Christmas and trying them out on her too, I am sure she will be impressed!

See? Who needs the pain of surgery when you can try these out, they are available here, and are sold in monthly boxes. They would be great for special occasions when you really want dazzling bright eyes! 

Thank you for reading. 
Sophie. xx
PR Sample.


makeupjelena said...

So interesting and very useful, thanks for this post! :-)

makeup merriment said...

These look amazing! I wonder if they would work on my old falling lids? Lovely blog you have here. =) jeanie

David said...

very nice reviews
see this here