
Monday, November 29, 2010

» Sugababes Fragrance - Touch.

I can imagine that many of you have seen numerous posts on the new Sugababes fragrances recently, I know that I have, There are giveaways galore too! Well, I'm here today to do a little review for y'all, of the scent 'Touch' that I was sent last week.

Packaging : First impressions are that the bottle is nice, but quite hefty, bold and out there, I like the black bottle (in the pic above) but I'm not keen on the silver and pink, I think they look a little childish. However, that's unimportant, It's just a bottle, who cares, right?

The Scent : I love how this smells, It's not a 'grown up' smell as such, it is a fun scent I would say, I think that it would honestly suit anyone though, from young girls, to older women. When it is first spritzed it does smell quite fruity and sweet (which I'm not keen on) but it soon wears down more of a musky scent with rose notes coming through, which I love.

This scent lasted really well on me too, I could still vaguely smell it after about 8 hours on my wrist, which is pretty impressive in my book.

Overall : I like it, I keep wearing it, and I can say that it is my fragrance of choice at the moment. It's not too grown up and I think it would be suitable for most females, if they like musky rose scents :)

All of the Sugababes fragrances are available from The Perfume Shop and the bottles contain a huge 100ml for £19.99. The Perfume Shop currently have gift sets for the same price for Christmas though, so check those out! You can also 'Like' the Sugababes Perfume on  Facebook, where they will be holding give-aways and stuff.

PR Sample.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

100ml is huge. I like the black bottle better too. I have ordered a gift set. Thanks for reviewing.