
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lovin' and Hatin'..

I don't do these posts too often, because they can get repetitive, but here are a few of my current up's and down's. Let's start with the positives!
* It's nearly my birthday (18th Dec) so I am excited for that!
* It's almost Christmas, and I am going to my Mum's on the 19th Dec for a week to spend Christmas!
* The X Factor. I love it and cannot wait for the final tonight. I want One Direction or Matt to win. (I have a crush on Harry from One Direction. God that lad is gorgeous. I know, I know, he is only 16!)
* Max Factor Xperience Foundation. It's amazing!
* Rihanna's new album. Loves it!

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* The X Factor almost being over. This makes me sad. I love it! Strictly too, I'll be sad when they are gone!
* Women's problems making me feel like crap. Ugh. I ache like I have been beaten up!
* My hair. I'm in need of a hair cut. I want a restyle. I want it shorter and more manageable!
* The dentist. I'm done with them for now until after Christmas (hopefully). But I have taken ages to get over my treatments. Still suffering a bit now. *sadface*
* The cold and central heating drying out my skin. It's crazy, My skin feels horrible. I need lots of moisturiser and body butter!


Dani said...

I want Matt to win too! No idea what I'll do with my Saturday nights now haha. Do you know if the Max Factor foundation is good for spot-prone skin? I'm really tempted to try it but I worry about the coverage! Look forward to your review xx

Whimsical Wolf said...

Your birthday is the day after mine :D I don't actually watch much x-factor but I love Matt the most! xxx