
Monday, October 04, 2010

Handy Hair Clips!

 I don't know about you, but something I always have at my make up table is hair clips, large and small, so that I can get my Barnet outta the way when I am making make up videos, or just applying make up in general.

I also like to use large hair clips to clip up sections while I straighten my hair, as well as to just get it out of the way when I'm sick of it. The problem is, I have thick hair, and lots of it. I struggle to find a clip that can actually keep my hair in place without snapping or falling out of place.

That's where these come in - The Denman Jaw Clips. You get three of them for only £2.55 which is less that a pound each and they are really good quality strong hair clips.

See? All held in place :)
 It's actually really nice to have a clip that is big and strong enough to hold my hair up, I know that sounds silly, but I have always struggled to find good strong well made clips, but these are definitely well made and I would definitely recommend them! .. My Mum, who has lots of long hair is onto them already!

Thank You For Reading! 
x x ..Sophie..  x x
* PR Sample *

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