
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blogmas - December 19/20th ~ Bad Blogger!

Hey people's!

Two days in one again. Apologies for being a bad blogger but yesterday was spent traveling to my Mum's house, which took 8.5 hours, then today I've just been relaxing and spending time with my family and the dogs!

The wether is cold, wet, miserable and very unfestive! Sigh. I hope it cheers up a bit, or snows!

I've included some phone pics from the past few days. My Mum's cute tree. A bit of Buble. Love! - Milo the dog! And my amazing birthday cake, baked by my amazing sister. Yay! She's the best!

I hope you're all ready for Christmas me feeling good. I'm going present shopping tomorrow. I also have a little birthday gift post planned.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I'm also hoping the weather will cheer up it's horrible! The cake looks brilliant, hope you had a good birthday x