
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Photo-a-Day ~ Day Fifteen ~ Shtuff!

So I never got around to actually posting this on the day. No real excuse, I just had one of those days yesterday, it was terrible and I don't know what was up with me, but I had a bit of a meltdown. Haha.

Anyway, other than the bad things, yesterday was spent trying to keep cool, getting excited over new stuff being delivered and food shopping.

I also wanted to mention the Sun Powder from GOSH, I was sent this a while ago and I reaaaaally like it! It's taken me until now to really get into it. It's huge too, absolutely massive!

It's a lovely, fine, golden shimmer, subtle powder full of bronze goodness. You can slap it on wherever you like and you just have a pretty 'glow' .. I use a bit on my legs or arms and my chest. It's really nice. Available at Superdrug for £13.99 and will last a lifetime.

Hope you are all good. I'm tired and a little blah feeling, but trying to get some pep in my step and being positive!
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